Carol ReMarks

Life, Death, and Innovation: A Complex Intersection

Carol Marks


What happens when technology crosses the line into the realm of life and death? Join us for a gripping and heart-wrenching discussion on the first use of the Sarko suicide pod in Switzerland, which led to the tragic passing of a 64-year-old American woman. We dissect the chilling details of this 3D-printed device, from its nitrogen gas mechanism to the ethical conundrums it presents. The episode doesn't shy away from the hard questions, including the subsequent arrests and legal ramifications, offering a nuanced perspective on the contentious issue of assisted suicide.

After navigating through these intense topics, we'll shift gears to end on a lighter, uplifting note, ensuring you walk away with a sense of hope. The journey is emotionally charged but promises to be enlightening and engaging. Whether you're looking to better understand the complexities around assisted suicide or simply seeking a thought-provoking conversation, this episode has something for everyone. Tune in and prepare to have your perspectives broadened.

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Speaker 1:

Hello, good morning, happy Wednesday. We're halfway through the week and the gent is finally back from his out-of-town trip. I didn't want to say anything that he was out of town, but he has been out of town. He came back yesterday and I finally got a good night's sleep. When he is not in town, when he is not at home with me in the bed, I cannot sleep, because you know, I sleep well when he's there beside me, knowing that if anything happens, he's there to protect me. But he's back. So I got some great sleep. I was so tired the last few days. Okay, anyway, we're moving on. Let's see.

Speaker 1:

We have three topics out there that I picked. Now it was hard to pick what topics I wanted to talk about today. Topics out there that I picked. Now it was hard to pick what topics I wanted to talk about today. There are so many out there and, depending on if I have enough time, I may go back and read some headlines that I decided not to pick. All right, we're going to start with something very sad and disturbing, then we're going to move on to another disturbing and then we're finally going to end with a good note. I always like to leave you with a good note. All right, the first one up from the New York Post. I get most of my stories from the New York Post.

Speaker 1:

Sarko Suicide Pod gave chilling command before American woman took her own life. All right, here we go. The American woman who became the first person to take her own life in the new suicide pod in Switzerland was given a chilling command by the morbid machine before she took her last breaths. After entering the Sarko suicide pod on Monday. The machine allegedly asked the 64-year-old woman, who has not been publicly named, to press the button that would euthanize. If you want to die, press this button. The machine said Okay, why? I don't know why. Okay, yes, that's morbid, but why do they have to write it that way? We know that this is a suicide pod. We know that this is what this is going to happen, so why are you shocked that this is what this is going to happen? So why are you shocked that they're asking this particular question? This is what kind of surprises me, though. It's a 3d printed chamber. They 3d printed this mfr. The suicide pod called sarco. It's short for sarc, sarcophagus. That is disgusting. These guys are proud. The 3D printed chamber called Sarco, short for sarcophagus floods its chamber with nitrogen gas, causing the user's oxygen levels to plummet to deadly levels. The process knocks out the individual, with death occurring within 10 minutes. That's a long time. The pod comes with an emergency exit button. These guys, I swear.

Speaker 1:

The controversial pod, however, has not yet been approved for use, thank heavens, but of course that's not stopping anybody, is it? Resulting in the arrest of several people over the american woman's death in a forest cabin in marish mara, mara, maris, hausen. Uh, regional police said good, they arrested these people who went? Who allowed this woman to do this? This is very disturbing. I told you, florian willett, the co-president of assisted suicide group EXIT International's Swiss affiliate the last resort, was the only witness to the woman's death, which he described as peaceful, fast and dignified. She was only 60-something years old. If she was able to walk her ass into this pod and push a button, come on. I don't think she should be allowed to do that. But that's just me. You know all pro-life and everything.

Speaker 1:

Exit international director, dr philip nitschke, said tuesday he was pleased that the sarco had performed exactly as it had been designed to provide an elective, non-drug, peaceful death at the time of the person's choosing. This is wrong. This is so wrong. Switzerland is one of the few countries where foreigners can travel to legally end their lives through assisted suicide, which must not involve a doctor, but can include outside help. What? Okay, I'm confused about that. So I'm very confused about that. Switzerland is one of the few countries where foreigners can travel to legally in their lives through suicide, through assisted suicide, which must not involve a doctor but can include outside help. So, according to Switzerland, this woman was perfectly, she did everything legal. So I don't. It can include outside help. And this outside help apparently was this pod.

Speaker 1:

Now, I'm not arguing for this, obviously. I'm just saying but I'm glad they arrested this person. The law states that the person must take their life without external assistance from a doctor, and those who help them to die do not do so for a self-serving motive. Okay, so, but unlike the netherlands, where exit international is based, swiss law still strictly forbids the practice of euthanasia, which is different because it must involve a medical professional. Okay, so, all so, all right, whatever. Uh, it's all wrong. It's just disturbing. I would they need to identify this American woman and why she wanted to. Now look, she was able to travel, she was able to walk herself into this pod. Hmm, I just I don't know. Uh, what are your thoughts on this? Tell me your thoughts on this.

Speaker 1:

All right, next up we are going to talk about susan smith. You guys remember susan smith, I know you do. All right, I know evil, this is the headline. I know evil seductress susan smith. Well, she should never be let out of prison. Her face still haunts me now more than ever.

Speaker 1:

Susan Smith, the evil young married mother who, in 1994, slowly and painfully murdered her two young sons in a twisted scheme to win the heart and other organs of the and other organs Excuse me, oh, okay, why did they write it this way, my God, all right, in a twisted scheme to win the heart and other organs of the richest guy in her hometown of Union, south Carolina, has learned nothing in the three decades in prison how to be a better and more manipulative sociopath, using her body and her imagination to rope in accomplices to help satisfy her bottomless need for attention and her endless lust. Oh, my goodness, in a few weeks Smith, now 52 years old, who's been behind bars for decades of a life sentence for this incredibly cruel double murder is up for parole, but after years spent spreading nothing but excuses for her treachery enjoying drugs, attracting long-distance suitors and even the sexual favors of the guards she pursued. It's clear that prison has only made her a bigger monster. Wow, she should and this is more from Andrea Pacer. She should never again breathe the air of a free woman.

Speaker 1:

Back in 1995 I published a definitive book about her case mother love, deadly love the Susan Smith murders from Harper Collins. It was shortly after Smith confessed to drowning her two precious babies, standing by the shore near John D Long Lake in Union County and watching her car sink agonizingly into the watery grave with the kids, three-year-old Michael and Alexander, 14 months old, strapped into their car seats. My God, almighty, I remember this story well, and I'm sure you do too too. And I remember when she first came on, when this story first broke, and I saw her fat face on the television set, fake, crying, asking people to return her sons, I knew that she had done it. I just knew, I just had a gut. My kids were very young at the time too. I knew that she had done it, I just knew it in, in fact, let me see. Well, let me go back. When would? Let me go back, yes, her mother who, in 1994, slowly and painfully murdered her. My kids were not even born yet I may have been pregnant with my first one, my first, my first child. Oh, oh, all right, so you can go finish that. There's a lot to this story. It is a long. It's not that long, but you know it's longer than I want to spend this morning. But, uh, go read that. She's up for parole. She should not be let out.

Speaker 1:

I've talked about her before on the podcast. I've talked about her before on my YouTube channel. Her before on the podcast. I've talked about her before on my YouTube channel, so go check it out, all right. So the last story is is uplifting. Um, I say kind of sort of. I've talked about these two on my podcast before too.

Speaker 1:

This Air Force vet, joseph Lopez, brother Joshua, who were drugged during a Dubai yacht party, speak out as they are freed from UAE jail land in the US with help from JD Vance. I have talked about this before a few weeks ago on my podcast, but now they're home and I think what I talked about at the time I was kind of talking harshly about them, telling them how foolish they were being in a foreign country, and all right. So anyway, here we go. The us airman turned social media influencer and his brother, sentenced to jail in dubai last month after claiming they were lured and drugged at a oh my gosh pop-up ad sorry y'all, lord at yacht party were freed from prison Tuesday, putting an end to the siblings' four-month nightmare. Joseph and Joshua Lopez arrived home in their native Ohio, detained in Dubai. An organization dedicated to helping people face legal issues in the United Arab Emirates announced late Tuesday. To helping people face legal issues in the united arab emirates, announced late tuesday. I am pleased to announce veteran joseph lopez and his brother, joshua have arrived safely in ohio after a short dubai vacation turned into a terrible nightmare. Chris crisis manager and ceo of detainee dubai, rada sterling, wrote in a statement. Read more okay, here we go. Uh.

Speaker 1:

Joseph lopez was all smiles as he landed at los angeles international airport, hours as he, uh, hours as he recalled his first moments of freedom. Oh so, let's see. So these guys, they were at a party, they were partying in Dubai. Uh, they, uh. A cab driver came up to them during or as they were trying to leave the party, I don't know. A cab driver came up and said hey, do you want to go to another party on this yacht. So they said, sure, why not? They went to this party on this yacht, don't do that. And then they that's apparently where they were drugged, and, uh, I don't know. But what happened, though? Why were they? Let's, let's read on. I forget why they were arrested.

Speaker 1:

In a separate post on wednesday, the air force vet announced that he and his brother were released from prison and thanked everyone who fought for this freedom. You tried to steal my future, took my entire life savings and put me into debt, drug my family through this mess, jailed me, imprisoned me. Lopez wrote a post alongside a video titled dear dubai, I just lived something that is going to sound like a movie to many, and now I will share my experience with you, to the world, and experience of others who do not deserve such things. I'm trying to get to the part, okay.

Speaker 1:

The lopez's terrifying ordeal abroad started when they traveled to the uae on may 25th, hoping to generate luxurious content in the city of gold. However, on june 2nd, the brother spent the night at a nightclub called blah blah, before an uber driver approached them and offered to take them to an after party at a nearby hotel. Joseph Lopez reluctantly agreed to pay the bill. Detained in Dubai, reported the organization claimed the brothers were then gearing up to call it a night when they were approached by a man inviting them to a yacht party. Joseph Lopez, who left the Air Force less than a year ago, explained that he was done spending for the night, but the man insisted they were American guests and not to worry about spending money. Uh-huh sure, on board the brothers were given more drinks from the staff, who later charged them $2,700, before one woman offered them another refreshment. Oh wow, this girl brought me a drink. And after she brought me this drink, I don't remember anything. Joseph Lopez previously said they were given one drink aboard the yacht and the next thing they remember is being taken away by plain-clothed police officers in an unmarked vehicle. Oh, scary, scary.

Speaker 1:

So you can go read the rest of that story if you'd like, because I'm already out of time. I like to keep this short and sweet. We need to come to a question of the day. I'm not going to go read the other headlines that I was going to go read because I'm short on time. Okay, here we go. Question of the day. All right, we're going to stick with the first theme, the first story theme about assisted suicide. I know it's kind of morbid, but I want your opinion. Do you think it should be legal to have assisted suicide? Do you think that should be legal? I do not, but that's you know me. Um, all right, thank you for listening and I will be back again tomorrow.

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