Carol ReMarks
Carol reMarks on glamour, pop culture, and front-page news. Join me. I'm not a traditional podcast. Most of the time I am recording on-the-go with my iPhone voice memo app. Come along with me.
Carol ReMarks
Unmasking Counterfeit Gibsons and the Mystery of DB Cooper
Could you spot a fake Gibson guitar amidst a sea of counterfeits? Unravel the chaos behind a massive seizure of 3,000 counterfeit Gibsons, potentially worth a staggering $18 million, as we expose the murky world of fake goods. With the holiday shopping frenzy approaching, hear firsthand the emotional impact on Gibson's 130-year-old legacy and the sneaky tactics counterfeiters use to fool unsuspecting buyers. We'll arm you with tips to steer clear of shady deals and keep your holiday shopping safe and sound.
Ever wondered about the real identity of the elusive DB Cooper? Today, we explore an electrifying claim from North Carolina siblings who allege their late father, Richard McCoy Jr., is the legendary hijacker. With a hidden parachute discovered in their home, we'll explore how this revelation could rewrite a notorious chapter in American history. Whether you're a longtime DB Cooper enthusiast or just getting acquainted, this story promises an enthralling journey through one of the most captivating mysteries of the 20th century.
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Oh, it's super dark here in the parking lot, I think there. Well, there is a light out in the parking lot. It's super dark and I'm the only one here right now. Super scary. Oh, I turned off my car, though my lights are out, nobody knows. Normally, when I pull up, I leave my car running and my lights are on and everything, but I turned everything off so I could be dark too. Oh, it's super scary. Now, normally we do have a security guard inside the building, so hopefully he's in there. Woo, I don't know.
Speaker 1:All right, well, we're going to go ahead with the podcast and we have three topics for you today. None of them are political and hopefully they're going to be fun topics. I'm going to try to swap out of my voice memo app to see if I can. Yeah, okay, good, it's still recording. Go over to my X-File. And we're going to talk about 3,000 fake Gibson guitars that could have sold for 18 million, seized by the US authorities. We have DB Cooper may be finally revealed and we have an update on Wendy Williams.
Speaker 1:All right, let's do the 3,000 fake Gibsons first. From the New York Post. I'm constantly looking around y'all, so forgive me if I pause or anything. I'm constantly looking around. Okay, 3,000 fake Gibson guitars that could have sold for $18 million, seized by US authorities in a record bust. I don't know if you guys have watched. There's a show I don't know what channel it's on but it's about US Customs. Well, not necessarily just US Customs. It's about other countries at the airports who tag suspicious people and they start searching their bags and they usually find drugs. I forget the name of that show, but I am just glued to it every time it comes on. All right, and I think this reminds me of it. More than 3,000 fake Gibson guitars that could have been. I already said that right, the guitars were shipped to the US by sea and intercepted by Customs and Border Protection officers and Homeland Security investigations special agents in Los Angeles, as well as other agencies. According to CBP, Gibson confirmed the guitars were counterfeit because its instruments are only made in the United States of America. The bust is the largest on record for phony musical instruments. The Fed said these fraudulent guitars may look and feel legitimate for unsuspecting consumers buying them from third-party online sources, street markets, unauthorized retailers and person-to-person transactions, said Cheryl M Davies, who leads the CBP's field operations in LA.
Speaker 1:As we approach the busy holiday shopping season. Consumers should pay attention to where they are buying these goods and how much they are paying. And if it's too good to be true, it probably is. You know that old saying if it's too good to be true, it probably is. So just buyer, beware. You can go. Finish reading that story.
Speaker 1:A big wig at Gibson called the attempt peddling of fake guitars really emotional for the 130 year old company. So just really be careful out there with your holiday shopping. Don't shop on timu, do not shop on timu. Okay, good, here comes a co-worker. I'm feeling a little bit better now. All right, so the next step db cooper. Now look, I had no idea who this db cooper was until I watched news radio one time and they there was a episode about they thought Jimmy James was the real DB Cooper and of course this happened in 1971. I was five when it happened. Well, we think we have okay. Good, this is my co-worker pulling up. Yay, all right, I feel safer.
Speaker 1:Siblings claim late dad is mysterious plane hijacker, db Cooper, after finding hidden parachute in home. One in a billion, is he the real McCoy? A pair of North Carolina siblings claim their late father is the ever elusive Boeing hijacker DB Cooper, after allegedly finding his parachute hidden in their home. According to a new report, shante and Rick McCoy III claimed their father, richard McCoy Jr, was the infamous fugitive who disappeared when he leaped out of a Boeing plane with $200,000 in cash after taking passengers and crew hostage in 1971, the Cowboy State Daily reports. The siblings said they waited until their mother's death in 2020 to come forward, fearing she could be implicated, as the parachute that allegedly belonged to Cooper was found in her storage stash outside the house and they have pictures of side by side. You should definitely go check this out If you've heard of this story.
Speaker 1:I, like I said, until I watched an episode of news radio, I had no idea about this story. I thought it was made up. So after her death, the siblings met with aviation YouTuber Dan Greider, who has seen the parachute and believes it's the very one Cooper used in 1971. Wow, that rig is literally one in a billion. Greider told the local outlet about the unique parachute he saw. Greider claimed the parachute at the McCoy's home, matched the modified parachute prepared by veteran skydiver Earl Cosey for police as a part of Cooper's demands, before he disappeared somewhere between Seattle and Reno, nevada and Reno Nevada DB Cooper sleuths have raised the possibility that Richard Jr was the fugitive for years, giving his own criminal past.
Speaker 1:You can go finish reading that. There's more to the story. They found money. They have pictures. It's really fascinating. I think you should go finish reading that If you're sick and tired of politics. That's a good little read.
Speaker 1:And now we have an update on Wendy Williams. Y'all now again, this is from New York Post. Who knows if this is really true. All right, so Wendy Williams. You know I love Wendy Williams. I have no idea why, but I do. I like her. She actually did work. I mean, she worked. She had a career in broadcasting and radio before she got her show. She's just really worked her butt off for what she's done.
Speaker 1:Wendy Williams is permanently incapacitated from dementia battle. Guardian. I had no idea she had dementia. I knew she had some other health issues, but I didn't know about this. Wendy Williams Guardian claims that the former talk show host's health is in severe decline and in November 12th court filing obtained by the Post Attorneys for Williams' guardian, sabrina Morrissey, said that Williams, 60, has become cognitively impaired, permanently disabled and incapacitated from her dementia battle. I had no idea she had dementia. Morrissey is currently in a legal battle with Lifetime over the release of the documentary when is Wendy Williams, which came out in February. I need to go watch that. The filing claimed the defendants Lifetime's parent company, a&e Television Networks, lifetime Entertainment Services, e1 Productions, creature Films and the doc's executive producer, mark Ford, cruelly took advantage of Williams' cognitive and physical decline by creating and publishing a documentary at a time when Williams was highly vulnerable and clearly incapable of consenting to be filmed. Oh, dear, williams was diagnosed with primary aggressive aphasia and frontotemporal dementia. Is that life? Yes, it is the same thing that Bruce Willis has. Since May 2022, she's been under a court-ordered guardianship that oversees her health and finances after her bank, wells Fargo, claimed she was incapacitated.
Speaker 1:Wow, there's more to the story. I mean you really should go look up Wendy Williams' career. This is a long story. Oh, let's see. Let's see if I can read Morrissey previously final suit about the doc. Okay, I don't want to read on more about that. So apparently it's about the documentary.
Speaker 1:Um, but, yeah, go read about Wendy Williams. You might be impressed by her, you never know. Okay, well, that's it for me. Those are my topics. I hope that you have enjoyed it. Yes, it kept recording.
Speaker 1:Good, look, I found a new podcast y'all. It is by another pat head. Her name is Heather. She is ToastyMits on Twitter or X and her podcast is on Spotify and it is called American Candor with Heather. Go look it up, listen to the latest episode. She is like a freaking natural behind the mic. You will be entertained, you will learn some things. I love it and it's very relatable, very relatable. I love it. She's an author too. She has written a book. I've ordered her book, so hopefully it will be here and I'll be able to read it and review it for you, maybe. Yeah, so there's another podcast to listen to.
Speaker 1:All right, speaking of podcasts, this one, of course, will be ending December 8th. The Jint and I will put out our last episode on the 8th, which is a Sunday, and then I will start my new one. I've already got some of it together. There's a trailer out there. I'll try to. I have put that out on X, but yeah, it's going to be fun.
Speaker 1:I hope, I hope, I hope I am going to miss this. I really am, maybe, maybe I'll do something a little bit different. Maybe I'll just come on and record on. There's a record button on X that you can do audio. It's not a space, it's's recorded, so it's just one person, it's just you know, you as the account holder recording your voice and sending it out there. It's an audio post instead of a text post and it's not anything like spaces. So maybe I'll do that. Just do like a quick update every morning for you on X, because I will miss this. I will do miss this daily thing. All right, I have to go.
Speaker 1:Oh, wait, wait, we need a question of the day. It's Wednesday before Thanksgiving too. I hope you guys have a happy Thanksgiving tomorrow. Yes, the gent and I will be on tomorrow to give you another episode tomorrow morning. I know you may not be able to listen to it that day, but, um, try to get to it eventually. All right, hold on. Question of the day. All right, you ready for it? The question of the day. All right, hold on. Question of the day. All right, you ready for it? The question of the day Is it pecan pie or pecan pie, which one is it? All right, gotta go. Thanks for listening. Have a great day. Have a great holiday tomorrow. Thanksgiving Again, the gents and I will be on to give you an episode tomorrow. But anyway, have a good one. Thanks for listening. Bye.