Carol ReMarks
Carol reMarks on glamour, pop culture, and front-page news. Join me. I'm not a traditional podcast. Most of the time I am recording on-the-go with my iPhone voice memo app. Come along with me.
Carol ReMarks
Unpredictable College Football, AOC’s Presidential Prospects, and Tariff Talk: A Spirited Debate
Why is money making college football more unpredictable than ever, and could Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez really become president in 2028? Buckle up for a rollercoaster of insights and speculation as we kick off December with some spirited debates. We start by dissecting Ohio State's recent upset and explore how financial incentives and discipline are reshaping college sports. With the anticipation of bowl season, high school playoffs, and professional games, we shift our attention to the political arena. We weigh in on the tantalizing possibility of AOC running for presidency and what her campaign could mean for the future political climate.
Swinging from sports and politics to economics, we tackle the murky waters of tariffs with an analogy that's as vivid as dismantling a beaver dam. Unpacking the misconceptions, we shed light on how tariffs influence consumer choices and American manufacturing. And if you’ve ever fantasized about what you’d do on your first day in the Oval Office, you're in for a treat. Our playful imaginations run wild—from breakfast choices to cigar lighting, and even uncovering hidden compartments like a scene from National Treasure. Join us for an episode that promises to be as thought-provoking as it is entertaining—Go Dawgs!
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Happy December 1st. Welcome one and all. It is Sunday, the beginning first day of my favorite month of the year.
Speaker 2:December Go Dawgs. Absolutely, it's a great month. I'm starting to enjoy December's more and more.
Speaker 1:Well, we have a lot to talk about. I don't even know where to start. Where would you like to start? Well, we have a lot to talk about. I don't even know where to start.
Speaker 2:Where would you like to start? Well, we can start with Ohio State losing. That was a good thing. No, it wasn't. Well, it may not have been, but it was enjoyable for a few minutes. And then today, now I'm mourning Ohio State, Ah, boo.
Speaker 1:So I did not watch any football with you yesterday because you know we had the grand cam and even after he left I still didn't watch any football. I started scanning through the channels and it's a Wonderful Life came on, so I watched that and I blogged. But anyway, go on with your football analysis.
Speaker 2:Okay. My biggest take of the day is that it's gotten again ridiculous in the fact that we now have the hunt for 12 teams and now the 13th, 14th and 15th teams are yelling and screaming. We are being, we are being and it's gotten to be okay. It's about the money which you know I've said. That's what it's all about, and it's also gotten to the point where, instead of rivalries and playing against each other and all now, it's about putting the flag down and all the fights breaking out and just the uncontrollability.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I did hear about all the fights, the players, because now the players are, I guess they're making money off of it and they're becoming more uncontrollable. And I say uncontrollable in that they can't be as disciplined.
Speaker 1:A lot of different factors.
Speaker 2:And when I say that they can't be as disciplined. Therefore, if they can't be disciplined, they don't learn self-discipline, and part of that whole thing is being self-disciplined, learning how to be a team player, learning you know how to act, and that's gone by the wayside. So you know I'm about now, you know, looking forward to this coming week where I get to watch high school football playoffs or state championship games instead of, you know, watching the college. And you know I'll start now watching a little bit more professional football where, guess what? They do have to be disciplined because they're paying for their paychecks and if they act like the college players are acting, they'll get their asses booted. So my takeaway from yesterday was yeah, I enjoyed watching the football, but I do not enjoy the antics of it anymore.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I think the whole flag-planting thing was because it was rival weekend. I don't think you'll see that on any other game day, but you shouldn't see it. Period.
Speaker 2:Exactly, I think it's just a bunch of thuggery. That's kind of like saying well, there's only one apartment building taken over by Trenday de Aragua, so you know that's. Do you hear what you're saying?
Speaker 1:No, I was trying to explain why it was happening so much yesterday.
Speaker 2:Right, right, exactly.
Speaker 1:That's all I'm not saying it was okay.
Speaker 2:Okay, well, there you go. That may have been why, but you're right, it's not okay. So that was my takeaway from football.
Speaker 1:All right, how are you doing on your football?
Speaker 2:pool. I suck Well. Overall, I'm in fourth place right now.
Speaker 1:Okay, that's good.
Speaker 2:But you know I've had two bad weeks but because of the good weeks I've been having. But bowl season's coming up and I don't think we'll have games this coming week because there aren't enough games to pick, but we'll go to bowl season.
Speaker 1:Why.
Speaker 2:Well, it's basically over. We're going to have conference championships and you only have so many conference championships.
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 2:But we might, because you know you still have Army-Navy game and they might have one more week up. But bowl season will start and all the picks are doubled and that's where you can make or break your season. So looking forward to it.
Speaker 1:All right. Well, what's next up on the agenda? Anything else you want to talk about? There's a couple things I want to talk about.
Speaker 2:You can go with it, let's go.
Speaker 1:Well, I blogged late last night and I the blog title is is the following aoc could be our president-elect in 2028. You okay over there? Um, so yeah, and I wasn't even drunk, so yeah, so I wasn't even drunk when I wrote the headline or wrote the blog post. Maybe I should have been, but that's a new, that's something new yeah, it's being floated out there. Oh what did? You weren't drunk oh no, come on now I'm joking about that.
Speaker 2:We don't, we don't, we? We quit libation many years ago anyway.
Speaker 1:So what do you think about that? There's a lot of people out there talking about it. Monica crowley even said she was on some show and she said don't discount it. And I know a lot of people are. She's aoc's an idiot. They're laughing it off and blah, blah, blah. And I'm like know people laughed at Trump when he announced the first time too, or before he announced it.
Speaker 2:Of course he's not an idiot, but oh my God, I don't know if I can stand that.
Speaker 1:Well, she has.
Speaker 2:Do I think it possible that she would run? Yes, do I think it possible they'd put her on top of the ticket? Yeah, do I think the american people would do it? I'm gonna have to say no and that I still have faith. Um, I can't see her, you know?
Speaker 1:no, uh-uh, please I think she might run just to get her name out there. I don't think the democrats are going to pick her because they have not learned anything. And I say the reason I say that is because I can say almost say the same thing about the Republicans sometimes. But you know, they still wanted to run Joe Biden and then they went with Kamala. I mean, if I was a Democrat, I would seriously think I would be looking at AOC, because she's young, because she has a reach to her people via social media. She knows how to use social media. She's not afraid to say what she says, even though I don't agree with everything she says. I don't agree with anything she says, but she put out on Instagram recently she wanted to know from her voters why they keep voting for her. But they did not support Harris and voted for Trump. And they said because you both seem to be for the same thing the working class. So let's not discount her too much yet.
Speaker 2:You can go right back to she's not for the working class, so let's not discount her too too much. Yet you can go right back to she's not for the working class because she didn't bring him, let Amazon come into the. So I don't know if she just you know, says what what's popular being said at that moment in time. You know, because she has changed her her Twitter account pronoun. She doesn't use pronouns anymore, so is she just you know? This is the way the water is flowing, so I'm going to go that way. So people like me Exactly which people?
Speaker 2:You know, that's something to think about.
Speaker 1:You know I People like personalities on social media now.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and is that how we elect a president?
Speaker 1:now Apparently.
Speaker 2:On a personality Apparently. Well, you're right, because Kamala has no personality, there's no question about that. I say it might be helpful, be helpful, but again I'm gonna say that you know that, that, that she may try to do it, but I'm still and this is something I've said for you know I'm sticking by it and it's something that I saw filter into this election. I still have confidence in the american people. You know they might get snowed voting for biden. They might get snowed voting for Biden. They might get snowed every once in a while, but they still have a deep down common sense approach that I think they would understand that AOC is not the right person.
Speaker 1:I don't know if you said they can be snowed. She's a good snowblower.
Speaker 2:Again, like I said, that's just what. That's the way I feel.
Speaker 1:I know and I you know, before November 5th I had no confidence in the American people. I had no confidence in the American people, but they proved me wrong.
Speaker 2:Thank, heavens, you just didn't listen to me in tires. Yeah, you're right. You're right, I didn't.
Speaker 1:You're right.
Speaker 2:I mean, I, I, you know, there was in the back of my mind, in the back of my brain, in the back of my heart. There was this little, you know, oh, my God, please don't let it happen. You know, could it possibly get quote unquote, stolen again? You know the way I think that. You know, I can't call it stolen because it was. You know, when I steal something, you know it's like stealing right in front of you. But stealing something too, can be stolen before you ever get it, you know, before it ever gets out in front of you, so to speak. And I think, in some ways, you know, covid and all that kind of stole quote unquote changed the election. Covid and all that kind of stole quote unquote changed the election. They, you know, oh it sure did. You know, they like to say stolen, but it changed.
Speaker 1:It sure did, and that I wholeheartedly believe COVID changed me a lot. This whole COVID thing changed my thoughts and outlooks and beliefs a lot. Oh yeah, and outlooks and beliefs a lot. You know, before then I tended to I hate to say this believe what I was watching on TV and the news and the government Tendency I still had like, but you know, I mean, it was Trump, it was Trump, I loved Trump. So you know, this must be real and happening. This must be what you know. But now, oh my God, I question everything, everything, everything.
Speaker 2:I don't think we'll ever know the truth about that.
Speaker 1:So I even question our side now, especially our side now.
Speaker 2:Like I said, I don't think you'll ever know the truth about any of all, any and all of that that went on.
Speaker 1:So well, these people that go ahead. These people that trump are appointing say they're going to get to the and expose. Get the truth exposed. You know a lot of them are big talkers. I'll believe it when I see it. People are happy with a lot of these pics, like cash patel. I don't know a lot about cash patel, but I understand he's a disruptor uh, what is that?
Speaker 2:I don't know. That's just the word they're throwing out there now.
Speaker 1:But he's a big talker and I want to. You know, a lot of these people are big talkers and I am very hesitant and apprehensive to get behind any of them, any of them, because they're big talkers, until they get into position.
Speaker 2:Right, and then they get in and they get stonewalled and it's hard for them to get things done. Or they go in and they get. You know, like I've said, they go in and go, oh, that's the oh, oh, yeah, ok, well, we can't do that. Because now they say, well, you know I'm doing well if I don't do that, because look at all the money, that's going to come my way If I just, you know, go with the flow. Yeah, I like this. That's going to come my way if I just you know, go with the flow.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I like this. I'm waiting to hear all the excuses.
Speaker 2:So I'm looking forward to see just how much they can accomplish. I think they'll get a lot accomplished, but I don't think they can do as much as they say they can do, just because of the stonewalling. And you know, let's take it this way because of the stonewalling, and you know let's take it this way when you, when you're facing getting in and dismantling a beaver dam, you know you start to pull a stick out and you part, just pull a stick out and you realize I got to go up here to the top and start to. And you, you start pulling all these sticks and you realize that this thing's built pretty damn good and it's entwined and it's caked and it's and it's going to take me a long damn time, stick by stick, leaf by leaf, mud by mud, to get this beaver dam taken out. And you know the you take the sticks off the top. And now you've gotten to, you know the sticks are entwined and you get the mud. And you can't do it in a day, you can't do it in four years.
Speaker 2:It takes a long damn time to do it.
Speaker 1:Kash Patel says on day one he's going to close down the building and send these 7000 employees out into the country to be cops.
Speaker 2:Well, let's see what happens.
Speaker 1:And I think once he gets in there he's going to realize oh, I can't do that.
Speaker 2:Well, that's what I'm saying.
Speaker 1:And that pisses me off. Don't say it if you can't do it.
Speaker 2:Well, like I said, we'll see, they may not have built the Beaver Dams in the CIA and the FBI and the Department of you know they may not be built that well. We'll see, We'll see, We'll see.
Speaker 1:I'm looking forward to seeing it All right the other thing I had questions about what were we?
Speaker 2:talking about.
Speaker 1:I don't know.
Speaker 2:Okay, go on.
Speaker 1:We just kind of float into one thing to another, I don't know.
Speaker 2:Good job, all right, I think that's very entertaining stuff.
Speaker 1:Okay, the other thing I want to talk about is tariffs. Why are people against them? Why do they think it's taxing the American people?
Speaker 2:And do they know that Biden has kept most of the tariffs in place that Trump started? Well, you know, stupid is as stupid does. Ignorance is what it is. They yell and scream that a tariff on Chinese goods is a tax on the American people. No, it's not. Will it raise prices? Possibly? You have to understand what a tariff is before you start listening to what the media and all these people are trying to tell you. So you know, first thing I do is suggest that you go look it up and see what it is and realize as and realize you know the source that you're reading it from too. Yes, because a lot of times you know.
Speaker 2:Question everything you know, you'll read you know the tariff on Chinese good taxes, the American people, or you know, this tariff is a tax on the American. It's not yeah, again, tariffs are basically fees that are put on to, you know, goods coming in from another country. So we say you know, we're gonna, we're gonna put a tariff on, let's say, something coming in. Yes, it's a price that the other country has to pay to bring something in. Okay, um, let's go. Let's go look and see what.
Speaker 1:Which could cause the country to raise taxes on their goods.
Speaker 2:No, which when our country so it costs that country more to bring their goods into our country, right, all right, so they decide, well, you know, to pay for those tariffs, we're going to raise the price that the Americans have to pay, right, so we still bring it in. I buy that product from that country. My price is now higher. Yeah, I put it on the American people.
Speaker 1:So that's what they think the tax is. It's not a tax, it's just higher pricing.
Speaker 2:It basically is a tax, but it's taxing the other country to bring that product in here, which, in essence, will raise the price for the American people. Okay, we'll say that. Okay, but you have to look at and, of course, if more tariffs are put on there, that price goes up. It also encourages American products to be and it makes it so we want to buy American products more because they're going to be cheaper and less expensive. So that's one thing that you're trying to accomplish by that is to increase Americans to create and to build and to produce more things, because we can produce it cheaper than we can get it from other countries. If those tariffs are on those countries, all right. So you have to look to back at what tariffs are on American goods going out of the countries.
Speaker 2:Our tariffs going out are huge. We have to pay as Americans if we build something and send it over to another country. Usually our tariffs are substantially higher than the tariffs we have on other countries. So by raising those tariffs, it's basically trying to level out a playing field so that the American production and American people can produce goods that we can sell to other countries, because it has been in the future or in the past that americans were making great products and we were sending them over and other countries were not being able to prosper.
Speaker 2:China right now is still on the underdeveloped list, so they get advantages to send their products all around the country and not have tariffs on them and not have these, so they can produce all this stuff very cheaply and send it over to us. But we can't do that. We're not allowed to send those products. So by equaling out and raising those tariffs, hopefully Americans can start building products better, sending it across. And what happens basically, and what basically Trump is trying to do with this, is to level the playing field, to allow American products to be built, to allow Americans to be able to sell to other countries and allow us to be on the same playing field. That's basically what's happening with that. It doesn't have anything to do with being mean or being trying. Our prices might go up short term, but in the long term it benefits the American people a thousand times over. So I suggest, if you don't know what tariffs are, just go read about them and remember again the source that you're reading from as to what they are and what they do.
Speaker 1:Yes, amen.
Speaker 2:That's a very limited discussion of what tariffs actually are and actually what they do, but that's the gist of them.
Speaker 1:Okay, all right, got it All right Very good. Good lesson on tariffs.
Speaker 2:Again, very limited, very short. I could expound left and right on all the benefits and all that kind of stuff, but basically that's what they are and what they do.
Speaker 1:All right.
Speaker 2:All right, I'm exhausted now. Yeah, I'm exhausted now. Yeah, I'm exhausted.
Speaker 1:All right Well.
Speaker 2:What all you got going today.
Speaker 1:Oh good, yeah, you got something going on. I've got a write for the Victor Girls and then I'm a guest on the Brutally Honest Podcast with John Freary and Energy.
Speaker 2:And where is he from?
Speaker 1:And he is from.
Speaker 2:Doesn't he have a? He's a major player in the podcast world, isn't he?
Speaker 1:Yes, absolutely, oh yes, absolutely. He's part of the Give Me Liberty Media group, which I'm a part of as well.
Speaker 2:Which I suggest everyone goes like, and subscribe and smash that like button.
Speaker 1:We will be live on Rumble, on his Rumble channel and on Twitter. There you go.
Speaker 2:And if you want to know, we use the word disruptor now and apparently that's the jump word going around that I think the liberals may have started it. Oh my God, they're disruptors. Well, if you want to jump word going around that you know, I think the liberals may have started it oh my God, they're disruptors. Well, if you want to see what disruption is all about, go to my Twitter handle. Oh my God, because you'll see, on there, I am a disruptor.
Speaker 1:You might see some pictures of puppy dogs or something. We need to come up with a word to make it go viral. Nowadays, everybody's talking about disruptor, disruptor, disruptor. We need to come up with a word to get people to start saying and repeating.
Speaker 2:Like the Democratic Party. I'm just starting to All right.
Speaker 1:So, anyway, I guess that's all we've got. We need to move on to the question of the day. All right, we have two questions of the day. I have mine. We haven't talked about food in a while. I want to know what's for breakfast. The gent has a question of his own, which I like as well, because I think that we're going to talk about this on the podcast, on John's Honest podcast, as well. Here we go.
Speaker 2:Being brutally honest, you've been elected president and you take your first steps into the Oval Office. What's the first thing you do as far as policy-wise. No, no, no, no, no, wise, no, no, no, you're by yourself. You take a step into the oval office. You look around, what's the first?
Speaker 1:thing you do. Well, first of all, you're not going to be by yourself well, I would do it.
Speaker 2:It's my question and I'll stage it the way I want to I would probably dance around like an idiot. I'd go sit in the president's chair and I'd look for that secret compartment in that desk. You know where's the secret compartment that they talk about. You know, you've heard those stories and the myths and all that stuff. I'm looking for that secret compartment.
Speaker 1:Ooh, you're going to make me want to watch National Treasure. I think I'll watch National Treasure later today if I have time.
Speaker 2:Yep, I'm looking for that secret compartment. Either that or I'm kicking back and smoking a cigar.
Speaker 1:Alright, no smoking in the White House.
Speaker 2:It changes that day Because I'm president by Googling Moogly.
Speaker 1:Alright, we gotta go.
Speaker 2:Go Dawgs.